Britt's Blog Space

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Workforce Readiness Crisis by S. McLester and Todd McIntire

In the November 2006 Technology and Learning the review article entitled “The Workforce Readiness Crisis,” explained how education will need to change in order for graduates to be able to adapt better to the working world of America. In the beginning of the article it explains that throughout the history of the United States education prepared graduates for the workforce by giving them skills that they will utilize within work (McLester et. al 2006). Education now is being questioned because the skills needed in order to work are not being taught and graduates are not prepared for working. The skills needed that are lacking from recent graduates are creativity, professionalism, work ethic, oral communication, combination of basic skills and applied, and knowledge of foreign languages (McLester et al 2006). I feel as though this article is a good reflection on what will come in the change of curriculum in education. It seems as though literacy to me has been such an emphasis in the curriculum. I also believe changing the curriculum will be hard especially in the state of New York because the curriculum is based around the regents test, which eliminate critical thinking, and creativity due to its standardized test.

McLester, S. & McIntire, T. (2006). The workforce readiness crisis. Technology and
Learning. Retrieved November 8, 2006, from

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Workshop 2 - Podcast 101

For this workshop I learned the basics of podcasts and the history of podcasts. We were introduced to using audacity and garageband. After attending this workshop it made me appreciate being a mac user instead of a pc user. It seems that the programs that I find the most interesting, easy to use and that can be used in my classroom all seem to be mac friendly or mac based. I hope to make a podcast in the future for my fitness unit, so that my students can use their ipods in the class while working out and can have music to listen to on their own. Thanks Nancy for teaching me more about podcasts!

Workshop 1 - Vodcast

During this full day two combined workshops was really interesting. We were supposed to be in the museum, however we were relocated to Half Hollow Hills. What we did during this workshop was first got acclimated with our own digital cameras and went over the basics. From using the flash to varying picture size and what that entails. Then we went around the school and took pictures and then created a vodcast. I really enjoyed this workshop, it was hands on and I really liked having an end product that I can view and recall how it was created. You can view my vodcast on podomatic at Hope you enjoy!!!!

"Clicker 5" by Kristen Kennedy

In the review article from the October 2006 Techlearning Kristen Kennedy wrote about new software called Clicker 5. Clicker 5 is a software program that is a split screened combination of a talking word processor and the other called a grid, which is a multimedia writing space (Kennedy 1). Students use this software by dragging images and/or animations to the grid then in the writing space provided write down a narration (Kennedy 1). For more advanced students they will be able to drag their own images and animation into the multimedia grid (Kennedy 1). Kennedy explains further in the article that there are some drawbacks with this software. Two of these drawbacks that she explains are not being completely compatible with Mac users and the explorer portion of the software still has some problems.
This program seems geared toward literacy area subject matter. Kennedy uses Social Studies and Spanish as examples within this article. I feel as though, this seems like a good program, but maybe not entirely ok to use in a classroom setting unless the teacher is competent with the software. I believe it can be used within Phys. Ed, however I wouldn’t want to take time from my students moving around and being active to sit in front of the computer for half or an entire period. If this software, Clicker 5, continues to be upgraded and improves, it can be a real good learning tool within a classroom.

"One to One in Michigan" by Tom McHale

The freedom to learn program is a Michigan statewide program provided by the state Department of Education and Ferris State University (McHale 1). In a Techlearning article called, “One to One in Michigan,” written by Tom McHale he provides and summary of the program and its strengths and drawbacks. This program provides every student with an Hp laptop. It creates a constructivist learning environment for students and teachers with having the students leading the way of their learning while the teacher is their as a facilitator. The drawbacks of this program are now it its third year is funding.
The state and other corporate funding was given at first, but now that the program is already in process the school districts that are participating in this program are now responsible for funding. Looking for funding is an ongoing process for this program. Also professional development for faculty has to be updated and continuous for this program to stay afloat. I believe this one to one learning environment is a great idea and if the program weren’t expensive and time consuming it would be great. Like anything the drawbacks and setbacks need to be re-evaluated by each school district in order to make sure this is the right program for them.