Britt's Blog Space

Sunday, November 12, 2006

"One to One in Michigan" by Tom McHale

The freedom to learn program is a Michigan statewide program provided by the state Department of Education and Ferris State University (McHale 1). In a Techlearning article called, “One to One in Michigan,” written by Tom McHale he provides and summary of the program and its strengths and drawbacks. This program provides every student with an Hp laptop. It creates a constructivist learning environment for students and teachers with having the students leading the way of their learning while the teacher is their as a facilitator. The drawbacks of this program are now it its third year is funding.
The state and other corporate funding was given at first, but now that the program is already in process the school districts that are participating in this program are now responsible for funding. Looking for funding is an ongoing process for this program. Also professional development for faculty has to be updated and continuous for this program to stay afloat. I believe this one to one learning environment is a great idea and if the program weren’t expensive and time consuming it would be great. Like anything the drawbacks and setbacks need to be re-evaluated by each school district in order to make sure this is the right program for them.


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