Britt's Blog Space

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Blog 6

In Childhood Education there was an article entitled, “Discover the Technology Potential of Video Conferencing.” In this article Nancy Bryant discussed the positive use of CU-SeeMe technology. This technology allows classrooms from coast to coast to get connected together using video conferencing. Students and teachers can work collaboratively on projects, exchange classroom practices, engage in conversations about books and lessons, or share interdisciplinary classroom products. The way the CU-SeeMe technology works is that in two different classroom using FTP connected to or Both users however need to use the CU-SeeMe equipment. This can be a drawback in schools are unable to have this equipment available.

5 Disciplines:

Personal Mastery – The potential for students to reach an academic high by interacting and communicating with students from a different classroom using video conferencing

Mental Models - Students can combine cultures and societal differences in collaborative work through the use of video conferencing with CU-SeeMe technology.

Systems Thinking – Both classrooms and equipment need to work together in order for collaboration, communication and interaction to occur with both classrooms.

Shared Vision – Both classes have the common goal of collaborating using the CU-SeeMe equipment.

Team Learning- This will occur through the interactions and teachings happening via Video Conferencing.

Reference: CWPost Library.

Bryant, N., Merenda, R., and Williams, S. (2000). Discover the Technology Potential of Video Conferencing. 76, 5; Discovery. Pg 316H


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