Britt's Blog Space

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Workforce Readiness Crisis by S. McLester and Todd McIntire

In the November 2006 Technology and Learning the review article entitled “The Workforce Readiness Crisis,” explained how education will need to change in order for graduates to be able to adapt better to the working world of America. In the beginning of the article it explains that throughout the history of the United States education prepared graduates for the workforce by giving them skills that they will utilize within work (McLester et. al 2006). Education now is being questioned because the skills needed in order to work are not being taught and graduates are not prepared for working. The skills needed that are lacking from recent graduates are creativity, professionalism, work ethic, oral communication, combination of basic skills and applied, and knowledge of foreign languages (McLester et al 2006). I feel as though this article is a good reflection on what will come in the change of curriculum in education. It seems as though literacy to me has been such an emphasis in the curriculum. I also believe changing the curriculum will be hard especially in the state of New York because the curriculum is based around the regents test, which eliminate critical thinking, and creativity due to its standardized test.

McLester, S. & McIntire, T. (2006). The workforce readiness crisis. Technology and
Learning. Retrieved November 8, 2006, from


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