Britt's Blog Space

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The New Gold Rush by Ferdi Serim

Summary: Online learning seems to be leading the new way of teaching. When discussing educational technology “online learning is the fastest growing segment.” Hence why in this article Ferdi Serim references online learning as, “the new gold rush.” This article explains ways to benefit from online learning as well as research that can help teaching institute learn to introduce online learning. Serim explains how the idea of replacing highly skilled and talented teaching professionals with scripted content as a way to reduce cost and/or help profits is the worst way to approach online learning. Serim’s ways to best navigate to successful online learning is through the use of research and best practices, evaluate offerings using research, and prepare for a long jouney. The way the use of research and best practices is explained by using research it is shown that if you partner highly talented educators with online facilitators they can help mold these educators into great online teachers. While the online-facilitators can experience and learn more specific teaching materials needed for online learning. To evaluate offerings using research Serim explains that , understanding and evaluating online programs requires understanding the stakeholders position.” The main issues with these policies are cost and benefits. When discussing the long journey aspect of online learning, Serim discusses a story of a Magnet school in New Mexico that once their facility was built it was extremely beneficial especially for students who where considered at high risk to drop out. In conclusion Serim’s believes,” that by applying these lessons, you can confidently embark on your voyage into online learning, helping your students learn in new ways never before possible.”

Reflection: The idea of online learning as the new gold rush seems much more prevalent in the University or College setter than in high school and/or elementary school. I feel that there is a barrier with online learning and the absence of human presence and one on one interaction can be missed and needed for various learners. I feel it can also depend on the specific learner. Ferdi Serim brought up some great arguments within this journal article about how if properly executed an online school can be beneficial to learners and useful. This statement I don’t completely disagree with. I feel however that it can really beneficial to the right group. In a rural area, a student who needs to move at their own pace, or a student who is unable to attend school an online school solution can be a fantastic idea. However I feel school should be about interactions face to face, collaboration, exposing students to diversity, and social. I feel these aspects are completely lost within an online school setting.

Reference: Serim, F. (2007).The new gold rush. Learning & Leading with Technology. 34(2), 12-16.


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